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Michal Malcharek presents

A snowy mountain survival for GameBoy Color!

It was supposed to be an ordinary trip, but not everything went according to the plan... Your plane crashed. 

Will you survive in the snowy mountains?

Prepare yourself, because it's going to be a COLD NIGHTS there.

  • use your penknife with different tips
  • find food and ration it, going to bed hungry can make you sick
  • make a fire to keep warm during nights or you can get sick (or even freeze to death)
  • find and loot different things and try to combine them to create something useful that will help you to survive
  • find equipment to go through the snow storm
  • get help and survive!

Please leave feedback and rate the game! Thank you.

Release date Feb 06, 2024
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGB Studio
Average sessionA few minutes


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files: 512 kB
cold_nights.pocket 512 kB

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Hello ! Very good game ! 


I'm stuck with the antenna, I cannot do anything about that. I think the bridge's parts are usefull (I got the lightbulb on it near the antenna) but I can't create more ropes for it (I even tried to detach some clothes do get back fabrics, didn't work). Could you help me or give me a hint ? Thanks.

(6 edits) (+1)

Hello, thank you. And you're doing great then!


To get the antenna to work you just need to throw the spear on the icicles :)

My Short Review :) Subtitles aviable :)

(1 edit)

Omg, thank you so much PixelPhone_GB! Absolutely love it. I coudln't be happier after watching review about my game, I swear. So happy that you've noticed the smoke from the chimney for example :D My heart is melting, thanks for such a nice review! ❤

Ps. I found a music for the game already, still need to add sounds - I'm working on this! Thank you once again.  


If you don't mind, I've attached your review on this official Cold Nights page.

wow, thank you very much for this honor! I'm really speechless and I really appreciate it!

I'm also honored that you've reviewed my game, thank you too :)

Found a typo! It's supposed to be prevent, not prevend. Just thought you knew! But man, so far your game is really well made! Can't wait to come up with my very own game!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! Gonna fix this :) And so happy that you're going with your own game, would love to play it, too! Your templates for GB Studio are awesome, so I hope the game will be too :)

It won't be as profound as yours. Mine is kinda of stupid hahaha but I think it will be fun. I might be able to release it mid this year! Thank you for your kind words. Again, your game is solid!!! Cheers! Once I get my gameboy fixed I'll buy your cartridge!

(2 edits)

This game is cozy and I really like the artstyle it looks nice, The inventory is put together very well I will play the full game later i plan to buy a few games when I get my flash cart in the mail but sofar it is a very great game.

Edit: Got the game

(1 edit)

Thank you. I'm happy that you like it! Hope you'll finish the game :) Have fun and let me know how many ingame days it took you to escape :)

any plans for a Physical Cartridge :D would love 1


Thank you, so happy to hear that! I think I'll try to think of something, then. Also, first I will make sure that everything works properly and will add music and sounds.

absolutely looking forward to it, thanks for replying

Hey Fizzlymike, I’m loving this. Reminds me of my Off-Grid, but better! :) You’ve inspired me to review it and give it some polish.

(1 edit)

So happy to hear that! I've played "Off Grid" as you may remember and really liked it too! :) And I don't think my game is better, they're both good at different aspects I think.

Where you inspired by “Stranded Kids”? Do you know that game?

Yes! That was actually my inspiration. I love this game so much! Always liked the "combine items" system, that's why I wanted to implement this in my game, too.

I discovered it through my Ambernic, great game. Yes the “combine items” is a cool idea. I think your system has more polish than even stranded kids. I found stranded kids difficult at first, lots of trial and error over combinations. I think I had to look for online help! I love the visual ques you’ve put into your system.

Thank you so much, such a compliment means a lot to me!

Hi. I bought your game for few weeks for 3$. Now it coast 5$ dollar and i cant download it again cause it havent any download files?

(1 edit)

Hm, that's weird. File is still here and should be avaible for you all the time if you paid for it. Can you please give me your e-mail adress?

I don't want to publish my email on comment section. Can I dm u on Discord?

Of course! Find me as fizzly, the same avatar like here.

I like this game!I've hit a bit of a wall though...after getting into all the buildings and triple checking that I got all the items, I'm still not able to get the proper footwear. Maybe I'm just having trouble figuring it out? I've been at a loss for a while now and I can't beat the game.

(3 edits)

Happy that you like it! If you've got paddles, then try to looks at the hints drawn in the backgrounds in menu.

Hi, u will ad chiptune in the future? :)

Yes, will love too, but I'm not good at this, so I think I'm counting on someone's help in this matter ^^'

Allright, thanks for the answer :)


Np, thanks for visiting! :)

I was rescued! I thought this was fun, and I liked how everything gradually fell into place - great job with that! Have never been so happy to see canned food too. :) The [thing] in the forest appeared only twice (on Day 6, maybe, and Day 8?) after I saw it for first time - is that intentional? I did get a little worried I was going to starve, though it turned out ok.

Not sure if this is a bug, but cooking food in the fireplace seemed to work only if the fire was lit immediately before cooking. If I lit the fire, went out and did stuff and came back, combining the pot and food would result in "You have to be at the fireplace" message even though I was standing in front of it.

Congrats on getting this done!

(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you SeaPhoenix! So happy that you've made it :) The fire and cooking, it wasn't to work like this definitely... I need to fix this, thank you for reporting that. The bunny shows randomly, so it could be like that. Maybe it's too rare though...

//Fixed. Thank you so much SeaPhoenix.

That wuz a sweet li'l game! <3 I didn't get all the snowstorm equipment, I guess I'm missin' the goggles? There wuz a snowpile next to the pond, where I'm guessin' the goggles must be, but I could not clear the snowpile even tho I wuz warm and rested. Did I overlook summat? o_o

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, I think it can be a bug, then. So sorry for that! I'll fix this today. I think I'll disable the game until then... thank you for your feedback and for playing!

//Yup, that was a bug. Fixed. Thank you so much Alice Gristle.

Deleted 239 days ago